Thursday, June 30, 2011

My first BluPrint!!!

The latest BluPrint is out, and it's my first one! In this issue, I just closely copied the current template. The next one, the one we're working on right now, will be MY take on the design. It's not really a complete redesign, but just an updating of the current look- generally just making it more visually interesting, dynamic and less boxy. This is a great issue- reading it will add to your growing concern for the environment and informs one of the current trends in green design, like the LEED system used in rating buildings for their "green-ness."

After laying out this issue, I've become more sensitive to my everyday consumption and waste- for example, now, I never ask for any small quantity I buy from Mini Stop to be placed in a plastic bag anymore, except only if carrying it openly would be embarrassing, like a pack of sanitary napkins.

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