Sunday, May 15, 2011

lucky day

I overspent last Friday on some really good dresses at Paperdolls, a store I really love, along with Apple & Eve. I bought them using my credit card, good news I could use the S.I.P. 0% interest feature since I reached the minimum amount required for that. But to get down to it, I'm in debt shit again. Which is why today was a lucky day, since I delivered Tito Gene's portrait and he gave me a hundred dollars! It doesn't pay for everything, but it is a big help, indeed!

Tito Gene is one of my uncles and he lives in L.A. He finally visited after 12 years! Will be looking forward when he comes back here Christmas next next year with my cousins/childhood neighbors Raymond, Susie, etc.!

Along with his presence, there were a lot of things to celebrate about today at my Auntie Belen's house, three members of the family had their birthday celebrations and my second cousin Monica won second place at the recent Pharmaton month-long marathon. I ATE SO MUCH TODAY. And when I got home there was so much food in the ref, and there were like two crates of Coke left outside. These are leftovers from the party Tita Judy held last night for her dear friend and officemate Jen, who's coming back to the States.

Better be wary of this. I might be tempted to eat these really good leftovers and drink Coke every night for two weeks. Ugh.

1 comment:

ericdefelix said...

Watch your tummy bibi :(