Thursday, May 5, 2011

Amazing and fantastic

What a great day this is. This is why I live. After a meeting earlier with HER and my Editor-in-Chief, I've been told that my work for the Meg June issue is turning out "fantastic" and "amazing" by no less than Sari Yap, the President and CEO of Mega Publishing Group. I know it isn't humble to declare something like this, or it can even turn people off because it seems that I'm "bragging" about it, but:

1) this kind of thing happens to me very rarely. It deserves proper documentation in my blog.
2) I am extremely grateful, not proud, that this has happened. I know that there are a lot of people in the world who do not get proper credit for what they do. Thankfully, that is not the case with me right now, and I just want to say THANK YOU UNIVERSE.

If Ms. Yap, by any small chance, sees this entry, I know it will be embarrassing, but I can get over it. At least she knows how thankful and happy I am because of her praise, and I am excited to work even harder to make our pages beautiful!

Watch out for our June issue! It is AMAZING and FANTASTIC!

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