Hey when I checked my blog today I've actually reached 872 views! WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE???
Today I woke up in my auntie's house's attic. Had to spend the night there because of the shoot I had the previous day which ended really late.
I think it's the most FUN shoot I've ever had so far. I realize that I am more relaxed in studio shoots - there's just more space to move around and be creative with the model and the outfit; I don't have that extra factors of background and elements to think about. We had it all one color all the way and it's supposed to unify the entire thing. I was also delighted with this shoot particularly because most of my pegs were followed, with just some minor alterations, courtesy of the photographer, that totally enhanced some of the shots.
What made the shoot really fun is that the photographer had a few tricks up his sleeve that we kept repeating and repeating to get the right shot. The Meg team assisted in rotation and some of us were able to get the timing for the shot. I wasn't able to get it. :(
And that we were fed with something really HUGE (you'll know when you see the May issue). We had trouble getting the food inside the door, can you imagine??? Where does Grace get all this strange food???
And also that jaw-dropping moment when the model caught the make-up artist's huge MIRROR in mid-air as it was about to fall. Holy crap! Spiderman reflexes, if you ask me. The entire crew had such a good laugh at that! A laugh of relief more than amusement of course! I mean, the model could've been seriously injured.
We had AMAZING shots. Best work of my life as I always say. It's Miel's (our new fashion assistant) first time to style a cover shoot, and she got it all right!
For this shoot I had pulled out a particular "something" under my name (meaning I would pay for it if I damaged it), and, horror of horrors, somebody dropped a piece of food on it!!! But we just cleaned it with baby wipes and it looked as good as new when it dried. Whew! :P
I know our April issue with Solenn just came out, but I think I can still say that the May issue is DEFINITELY something you can't miss! :D Thank you dear readers!
1 comment:
Good job bibi! :)
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